Dithmarscher Luftsportverein e.V.

electric cars @ EDXM

stay mobile after landing

“Cars4Pilots&Friends” is the name of the concept with our environmentally friendly vehicles. It’s no wonder that such an idea with electric cars is born here: There are many wind mills around the airfield. The place is relatively close to the North Sea and the Kiel Canal. Brunsbüttel and the canal lock there are worth a visit; a walk on the dykes with a view of the Elbe estuary is also fun. The Friedrichskoog seal station with its “howlers” (abandoned baby seals) is a must-see. And finally, the square is interesting because of its location on the “Klevrücken” – and because of the restaurant on the square.

The attractive conditions for the cars: The two smaller Hyundai Kona Electric cost 10 euros per hour with a maximum driving distance of 40 kilometers or 50 euros for 24 hours with a maximum driving distance of 200 kilometers. The Tesla 3 is twice as expensive at 20 euros per hour and 100 euros for 24 hours. The prices include the first electricity charge. The car should be parked again with a minimum range of 50 kilometers.

Ask for a reservation of a Hyundai

    Deine Reservierung ist erst verbindlich, wenn Du eine Bestätigungsmail vom Tower erhältst.
    Zur Übernahme des Fahrzeuges musst Du Deinen Führerschein vorlegen.